Chad and Tammy Daybell

Tammy Daybell posted this photo of her with her husband Chad to her Facebook page on June 30, 2019.

Wednesday morning testimony between Chad Daybell’s defense attorney John Prior and Fremont County Coroner Brenda Dye grew heated as the two argued about when Tammy Daybell died and what she died from.

It was the 10th day of the Chad Daybell murder trial in Ada County. Chad faces murder charges in the deaths of his first wife Tammy Daybell, and in the killings of J.J. Vallow, 7, and Tylee Ryan 16, the children of his current wife Lori Vallow-Daybell. He also faces life insurance fraud after allegedly accepting $430,000 in life insurance payouts following Tammy Daybell’s death. He married Vallow-Daybell just two weeks after Tammy’s death.

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